Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I've noticed that in the very short history of this blog I have commented a lot on the weather, which is strange, as if I am trying to make casual conversation with a stranger. Which is made even stranger, because that is pretty much exactly what I am doing.

It has been unseasonably warm and delightful this week, if you are wondering.

Last weekend my parents, Kayla, Elise and I went to Pumpkintown and Elise had a total blast like she does every year. She was the one who figured it out on the car ride up there that Pumpkintown is now a family tradition!

Pumpkintown features "Pumpkin People" who live in their little pumpkin people town. It's pretty cute. There's a post office and a wedding chapel and a general store and a jail:

There was also a pumpkin shaped bouncy house. Elise cannot pass up a bouncy house opportunity. If I had a million dollars, there would definitely be one of these going up in the backyard next to the in-ground swimming pool.

Elise agrees that's a good idea.

On Sunday there was Elise's school's annual Trunk or Treat event, which is actually the first one for us, because last year I was a bad mom and didn't take her for some reason (probably because I hate interacting with other moms and especially large crowds of other moms.)

But, I am trying to be better about all these things this year and in the future because Elise needs friends and a social life, and I need to help her acquire these things. Apparently she's been making friends on her own, like Abbie, who appears here as Elsa with my little Belle:

There was a DJ at this event, which was a brilliant plan, because the kids had a blast running around and dancing and playing Simon Says and going on a little costume parade. It was fun to watch them, too, all the kids having so much fun.

Damn, I love this kid of mine. 

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